Warner Bros. Home Entertainment provided me with a free copy of the Blu-ray™ I reviewed in this Blog Post. The opinions I share are my own.
It’s safe to say the past two weeks of our life has revolved around the newest Murray family member – Jessie, our 2 month old German Shepherd puppy. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, then you’ve definitely been inundated with puppy spam 😉 But I mean, really – who doesn’t love a puppy?? Coincidentally, today also marks the release of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment’s Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! on Blu-ray™ & DVD. We had the chance to preview the movie early, and I was so excited to plan a surprise after-school movie night for Garrett and Cha Cha with our favorite pup.

I remember introducing Garrett to the first two movies in the Cats & Dogs franchise, and he fell in love with them, so I couldn’t wait to give him his own Blu-ray™ copy of the third movie for his bday (he turned 7 on Sunday)! Charlotte’s also my little animal lover, so I knew she’d be excited about it too 🙂 Jessie? Well she was more interested in chewing on the case, lol. I did catch her doing that cute “puppy head tilt” of hers anytime Gwen the cat (voiced by the hilarious Melissa Rauch of The Big Bang Theory) or Roger the dog (voiced my my favorite character Schmidt on New Girl) came onto the screen. Garrett and I also got so tickled when Diggs the German Shepherd from the first two movies made an appearance, but again, Jessie was more interested in her squeaky toy.

Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! Movie Synopsis:
It’s been 10 years since the creation of the Great Truce, an elaborate joint-species surveillance system designed and monitored by cats and dogs to keep the peace when conflicts arise. But when a tech-savvy villain hacks into wireless networks to use frequencies only heard by cats and dogs, he manipulates them into conflict, and the worldwide battle between cats and dogs is BACK ON. Now, a team of inexperienced and untested agents will have to use their old-school animal instincts to restore order and peace between cats and dogs everywhere.

Don’t forget Cats & Dogs 3: Paws Unite! is now on Digital, and available on Blu-ray™ & DVD at Target or Amazon today! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did with your family and furry family members 🙂
You can also watch a spyware themed supercut from all three Cats & Dogs movies here –
YouTube: https://youtu.be/ljiXd-dEIwQ
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/140937097581/posts/1040924983013515
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WBHomeEnt/status/1315778370161061888

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