This post has been sponsored by Art of Green®. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Clearly times have changed, and so has everyone’s cleaning habits. Just ask my husband, aka “my cleaner half,” and he’ll admit he definitely didn’t marry me for my cleaning skills 😉 So when Art of Green® offered for me to test out their Citrus & White Flowers Wipes and Multi-surface Spray Cleaner, I thought, what better opportunity to turn over a new “cleaning leaf”, especially during these unprecedented times?
You may also remember that a couple of years ago, I did an interview for ABC13, where I shared a few quick tips on how to clean out your closet. I decided to use the past few months at home to take my own advice and evaluate my wardrobe, which has started to burst at the seams—literally! Every time I do laundry, the clothes just pile up like an island of mini volcanoes, ready to erupt at any minute. Don’t get me started on my actual closet, where clothes just keep spilling into our bathroom like an overflowing toilet. Did I paint a pretty enough picture for ya? So, read on for my “Top 3 Tips” for cleaning at home and organizing your wardrobe from your trusty stylist—and shop Art of Green® products at H-E-B!

Cleaning Tips From a Wardrobe Stylist
Tip 1: Keep it Clean and Green
I don’t know about you, but when my bedroom/bathroom is a mess, it snowballs into a full-on disaster zone real quick. Since I started using Art of Green® cleaning products, it’s made it so much easier to keep things clean—and I love that their products are good for the environment and safe to use around our kiddos. Did you know Art of Green® products are dermatologically tested and safe for sensitive skin?! Not to mention, their two scent options, Lavender Eucalyptus and Citrus and White Flowers, make everything smell heavenly—AND I can shop for them at my local H-E-B! So many of my mom friends agree that they honestly don’t know what they would do without the H-E-B app and Curbside Pick-up, especially these past few months as we mind the national social distance regulations.

It’s true that we need to keep disinfecting where we must, but I always have the Art of Green® Citrus & White Flowers Wipes on hand for my other everyday cleaning needs. Art of Green® products are the perfect way to clean between heavy disinfectant cleaning cycles. I love it because I can quickly wipe down our bathroom counter/sink area, as well as my closet dresser, which is where I keep them in plain sight to remind me 🙂 I also have a bit of an obsession with mirrors, I have like 4 alone on my side of the room/bathroom. It’s not so much a vanity thing as it is just a necessity as a stylist. Plus, I just love them as accent decor 😉 What I don’t love, though? Keeping them clean. I will say that keeping my Art of Green® Citrus & White Flowers Multi-surface Spray Cleaner, along with a roll of paper towels in our bathroom, has made it so much more convenient when it comes to remembering to clean our mirrors. Now, if only I could keep those tiny toddler fingerprints from showing up 2.5 seconds after I’ve cleaned them 😉

Tip 2: Don’t Be a Closet Offender
Throughout my career as a personal stylist/blogger, I’ve shared several of my “no-no’s” when it comes to your wardrobe. I lovingly call these my “Closet Offenders,” and the only reason I have this list is because I’ve committed each of them at one time or another in my own closet. They can range from the mildest offense, like holding onto a hole-y sweater, to the most common and offensive of all: holding onto clothes 10 sizes too small (I’ll go into this one in more detail under Tip 3). I know most people feel so overwhelmed by the whole process of cleaning out their closet, so much so that they never do it … like, ever. My biggest tip is to tackle things one at a time. Pick a category—like sweaters, for instance, since we’re moving into cooler temps—and throw them into three piles: one that’s a donate pile, one that’s a trash pile, and one that’s a keep pile. Also, I love the space that’s created by getting rid of old clothes while using the Art of Green® cleaning products to further tidy up!
My next tip is to always start with the trash pile because these tend to be the easiest pieces to purge. It could be that sweater you’ve been hanging onto, thinking that maybe just one more wash with that “stain remover” spray will fix it. Trust me, it won’t—just say buh-bye. Or it could be the sweater you accidentally shrunk 5 washes ago and for some reason, it’s still taking up space in your closet. Once that’s done, start with the “keep pile.” These are pieces you consistently wear, and that doesn’t mean you wore them consistently 5 years ago. After that, you’ll miraculously have your donate pile. Trust me on this, don’t even look through it. Just bag it up baby, drive it to the local charitable donation drop box, and never look back.

Tip 3: Know When to Let Go
Ok, hear me out on this. I am not coming down on anyone for holding onto clothes for far too long. If anyone understands, it’s me. In fact, up until 6 years ago, that was me—holding onto every article of clothing I had acquired from the age of 18 – 32. Y’all, that’s nearly a decade and a half of clothes! So, what changed you might ask? This article in Elle magazine: “How a Closet Cleanse Helped me Embrace my Thirties.” It was just what I needed to hear at the time and all of a sudden, it just made sense. I was a new mom in my early 30s and I’d been clinging to a past life, a past self that I simply no longer was.
So, I blogged about my first ever closet cleanse here (p.s. don’t judge, my blog was only a year and a half old and my photography skills were non-existent ;)) Ever since then, I’ve helped countless friends and clients with the same process, but that’s exactly what it is: a process. A process of understanding where you’re at in life right now, not where you were 15 years ago when you bought that three-piece suit at Zara for your first job interview (truth be told, I still have it cuz, ya know, memories). The feeling I aim to give my clients at the end of the day is a feeling of optimism and excitement about their newfound wardrobe … and of course, ultimately a cleaner closet 😉 The joy I get from hearing from a client that they haven’t missed a thing from their old closet and that I actually made it easier for them to go shopping is something I truly live for.

Hopefully these tips I’ve shared help you with keeping your own home clean, and please don’t hesitate to email me at or comment below with your styling needs!
I hope that you are being smart and staying safe during these uncertain times, and again, don’t forget to shop Art of Green® products at H-E-B!

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