Three years ago this month, we drove across town to look at a little fixer upper we’d had our eyes on. Who would have thought all those years ago, 15 to be exact, that Clear Lake (the home of NASA and where we fell in love) would be where we’d end up? Before marriage, before kids, before moving cross country twice, just to settle back down where it all started. Since this year has been a commemoration of so much (15 years together and our 10 year wedding anniversary), I just felt like we needed a special way to remember fixing up our first home three years later.
So as I was going through old photos I’d taken of our first walk through in the house and the day we closed on it – I came across several photos that three year old little Garrett happened to sneak into. Which gave me the idea – how fun would it be to recreate these photos as a before and after look at our home? A sort of “Then and Now” with a twist. As we looked through each one, it truly was a special moment for us to reminisce as a family on just how far we’ve come. Funny side note, we closed on the house and two weeks later found out I was pregnant with Charlotte – interesting how life works sometimes…
I hope y’all enjoy them as much as we do, and see if you can spot the “Cha Cha” in our afters ?
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